Ospina Cali Colombia
Set in a fake tropical jungle, late legendary Colombian filmmaker Luis Ospina talks about his life and work, at the center of a green Black Maria stage.
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Portuguese director Jorge De Carvalho conducted an extensive interview with Colombian filmmaker Luis Ospina before his passing. Ospina was not just a prominent figure in his own country; he was also considered one of the most distinctive and original filmmakers across the Americas. He made films with a personal and subjective gaze on Latin American history, particularly showcasing the history of violence inflicted upon Colombia throughout his works. He was perhaps one of the very few people in Latin American cinema who had become aware of the shortcomings of the film industry in the region, which was why he never shied away from challenging the established norms, trends, and market expectations in Latin America. Director Carvalho acknowledges the identity prevalent throughout Ospina’s films through the title Ospina Cali Colombia, which is a list of the director’s last name, the artistic group that he was a member of, and his fatherland. (Sung MOON)
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Terratreme Filmes⎜nevena.desivojevic@terratreme.pt