Information on Short FIlms Grouping and Midnight Screening Order
During Midnight In Cinema, there is 20 minutes of intermission between the films and there is no intermission for screenings of grouped short films.
Note that under circumstances, screening order could be changed.
1. < In the Basement > + < Ulrich Seidl: A Director at Work >
(1)In the Bacement (2)Ulrich Seidl: A Director at Work
2. Special Focus ´WANG Bing: Art of Observation´
(1)Man with No Name (2)Traces
3. Special Focus ´Martin REJTMAN, the Cineaste of Black Humor´
(1)Elementary Training of Actors (2)Copacabana
4. Korean Competition For Shorts 1
(1)The Fruits of the Earth (2)Mind Control (3)Beneath the Wheel (4)Summer´s Tail
5. Korean Competition For Shorts 2
(1)Heels over Head (2)Mirror in Mind (3)The Haze of Summer (4)Blossom
6. Korean Competition For Shorts 3
(1)Emergency Leave (2)The Emotional Society on Stage (3)In This Town (4)STAY!
7. Korean Competition For Shorts 4
(1)The Exploration (2)Super-critical Flow (3)The Messenger (4)Uninvited Guest
8. Korean Competition For Shorts 5
(1)A Lonely Bird (2)Ah Ah Ah (3)A Crevice of Violence
(4)Open Society and Its Enemies
9. World Cinemascape: Spectrum For Shorts 1
(1)Art (2)In August (3)A Thousand Suns (4)Miss
10. World Cinemascape: Spectrum For Shorts 2
(1)World of Tomorrow (2)A Spell of Fever (3)Guy Moquet (4)Deeper Than Yesterday
11. World Cinemascape: Masters
(1)The Old Man of Belem (2)Voila L´Enchainement (3)The Old Jewish Cemetery
12. Korea Cinemascape For Shorts 1
(1)The Dark Night: Making Film (2)Informality (3)The Running Actress
13. Expanded Cinema For Shorts 1
(1)The Plants: Jakarta Monorail 103 (2)Greetings to the Ancestors
(3)The Invention of Desert (4)Autodidact (5)Hysterics
14. Expanded Cinema For Shorts 2
(1)Things (2)Embargo (3)Bailu Dream
15. Midnight In Cinema 1
(1)Unfriended (2)The Nightmare (3)The Rover
16. Midnight In Cinema 2
(1)A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2)A Courtesan with Flowered Skin
17. Midnight In Cinema 3
(1)The Man in the Orange Jacket (2)Blue Blood (3)Reality